Welcome to ACOnet!
ACOnet is the Austrian National Research and Education Network (NREN) for science, research, education, art and culture. It is operated by the Vienna University Computer Center, in co-operation with other universities in Austria.
ACOnet provides a nation-wide fibre optic backbone with high-performance access to international academic networks via GÉANT, as well as to the Internet. Furthermore, ACOnet offers its participants various target-group-specific services to support research projects and communities.
OCRE 2024 Framework available
From February 2025, the "OCRE 2024 Framework" once again provides a public cloud framework portfolio for the Research & Education Network community. As a result, eight cloud platforms from various providers will be available to ACOnet participants without tendering by the end of 2029. Existing contracts from the previous "2020 IaaS+ Framework" should be transferred to the new framework.
A kick-off event with the service providers is in preparation.