Webform for ac.at Domains: Help
A detailed help text is available in German.
Changes due to GDPR
Due to the GDPR aco.net has undertaken changes in the Whois policy as well as the registration and management of .ac.at-domains.
- personal data (object typ "Person") will no longer be displayed
- non-personal data (object typ "Organisation" or "Role") will be displayed as before
- the owner of an ac.at Domain is always of type "Organisation"
- admin-c und tech-c can be of type "Person" or "Role"
- to change a contact of type "Person" you have to delete the nic-handle and create a new one
- since contacts of type "Person" will no be desplayed, it is the requester/owners responsibility to store the nic-handle
Input Assistance
All form fields in the webform are marked with a question mark (?) for an input assistance, which may point at some input errors.
In case of any further questions, please contact domain-admin@univie.ac.at or +43-1-4277-14277.