Press Archive
In this area some publications about ACOnet are available.
In The Field
The international blog In The Field is operated by the Australian scientific network AARNet and can also be subscribed to as a newsletter.
With exciting articles from a wide variety of topics, the blog conveys the broad range of contributions made by National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) and their participating organizations to global development.
AQUnet - Austrian Quantum Fiber Network
On 16 February 2021, TU Wien published a press release entitled "The Austrian Quantum Internet" (in German), which was picked up by numerous media - also internationally.
Article about AQUnet, published in the blog "In the Field" (see above):
Secure Network of Public Authorities
The Government Internet eXchange (GovIX) is a common, complementary and distributed peering infrastructure for the government sector. It offers the possibility of bundling IT communication in public administration and forms the basis for future developments in this sector.
Article about the GovIX as a secure network of public authorities ("Sicheres Behörden-Netz"), published in the magazine "Öffentliche Sicherheit" of the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior, issue 11/12 2020:
Sichere Kommunikation 20201111.pdf(in German)(361 kB)
uni:it, the IT newsletter of the Vienna University Computer Center and a follow-up to the journal "comment", was published from 2010 to 2018.
The following "uni:it" articles refer to ACOnet (in German):
- Issue 02/2017:
Hinter den Kulissen, Teil 2: ACOnet - Austrian Academic Computer Network / Upgrade der "Datenautobahn" auf der Zielgeraden
- Issue 01/2017:
ACOnet: Die "Datenautobahn" für die Wissenschaft wird ausgebaut
- Issue 01/2015:
25 Jahre Internet in Österreich: ACOnet feiert Jubiläum
- Issue 02/2013:
Große Dateien mit ACOnet FileSender übermitteln
- Issue 01/2013:
u:book-Jubiläum: Fast 5.000 Geräte im 10. Verkaufsfenster
The journal comment was published by the Vienna University Computer Center from 1994 to 2010.
"comment" articles related to ACOnet (in German)
Universities and Telekom Austria: High-tech infrastructure for Austrian science network implemented
Press Release, March 24, 2009
The Austrian science network ACOnet has made a powerful extension to the effectiveness of its data links: the new, innovative ACOnet infrastructure, set up by Telekom Austria under contract to the University of Vienna over the last two years, successfully entered service at the beginning of 2009.
Full article (in German)
Article in pressetext austria (in German)
Article in TMCNews (in German)
Universities and Telekom Austria are upgrading the research network
Press Release, July 25, 2007
The need for an efficient information and telecommunications infrastructure for research and education continuously increases. In Austria, data transfer to the world’s scientific community is provided by the Austrian Academic Computer Network (ACOnet).
Full article (in German)
Article in pressetext austria (in German)
Article in (in German)
Article in Futurezone(in German)(69 kB)