Documents & Forms
Please send the required PDF form, fully completed and digitally signed, by e-mail to admin(at) or to the e-mail address indicated on the respective form (your signature must be verifiable by RTR's signature verification service). Alternatively, you can also send us the printed form with your original signature by post. In both cases we will return the digitally countersigned document by e-mail.
Please note that most of the documents below are only available in German.
ACOnet Participation Agreement
Older versions
The previous conditions of participation (Principles of Participation in ACOnet, ACOnet Acceptable Use Policy - both valid until 30 September 2022) and an overview of the changes made to the content are available as a ZIP folder:
TCS Certificates
ACOnet Identity Federation
Dormitory Connection (VCampus) Domains
Domain-Vergabebedingungen.pdf(100 kB)
Domain-Entgelt.pdf(48 kB)
ACONET Association
ACONET Vereinsstatuten 2023.pdf(248 kB)
ACONET Vereinsbeitritt v2.pdf(510 kB)
ACONET Vereinsnominierung v2.pdf(497 kB)
ACOnet MoU 201012.pdf(103 kB)
ACOnet Strategie 2022-2025.pdf(0.9 MB)
CSIRT Handbook.pdf(1.6 MB)